Perfection doesn’t live here!

Alright then. First ever post in brand spanking new blog. Check. Next, introductions are in order. But first, let me begin with this. Look up mediocrity quotes on Pinterest and you’re bombarded with its malicious, poisonous, and overall negative influence on your life. Please bish, get out of here with that.

Then there’s my blog. Mediocrity for the Win. The fuck you say? Who dares to proclaim mediocrity as a win?!?! Raises hand slowly with assurance. Me. I do.

It seems in our time, anything short of excellent, constantly striving, hustlin’ (yes I’m a cool mom), and winning is apparently rather mediocre and not even worth a breath, let alone bloggable. I’m here to prove you wrong people. Life is long and certainly doesn’t come without its challenges. There is a gray space outside of the best of the best, the elite, the very top that exists that’s like a warm inviting blanket where disappointments and failed attempts go to sleep, not die. Why does everything have to be to so dark and absolute? Here, the failures of life have a place to take on humor and a lightness that can’t seem to exist in the upper echelon of life. And that’s not to say mediocrity breeds laziness or a lack of desire to strive for more. In fact, mediocrity allows for flashes of brilliance which come sometimes knowingly or rather unexpectedly. Maybe even by coincidence. Whatever the case may be, mediocrity for the win was born because perfection was overrated was already taken. And so in some cosmic collision of fate, mediocrity for the win now belongs to yours truly.

Either way, no one seems to be rooting for mediocrity and all the funny shit that’s happening within that space so HERE.WE.ARE. Mediocre, I can do MOST days. Some days, I fall somewhere below it and other days, I’m a serious rock star.

This is a collection of the shit show that is my life. I’m a stay at home mom of 3 littles struggle bussing on the daily as we hold out for those flashes of brilliance and try to laugh about the rest of the shit. Ok, I get mad about it, I pout about it, I cry about it, and I drink wine about it. And yes, sometimes you’ll see me laugh about it too. You’ll find the things near and dear to my heart; food, savvy deals, and parenting flops, wins and the hilarity that is raising your spawn. I can say with complete and utter confidence that I’m not mediocre when it comes to cooking and eating it and saving some coin. Insert flash of brilliance here….ta da! See…..

I know you other moms are out there, my soul sisters of mediocrity. Looking a hot mess for too many days in a row, eating donuts in a dark pantry, and praying for a miracle that brings bedtime 10 hours early. Don’t worry, I’ll come up with some clever little tribe moniker that’s catchy and would look really good on a t-shirt. Join me. Cry with me. Laugh with me. Clean up poop with me. Let’s do this together and maybe through our collective mediocrity, we can see just how brilliant we really are. Insert sappy music where we all hug and shit. So, there you have it world wide webs….be fruitful and get out there. Do some shit.

Peace to yo motha, my fine ass bitches. Stay tuned for all the hot shit ready to drop and don’t forget to subscribe so you can be reminded of just how mediocre and amazing life really can be.

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